Saturday, January 24, 2009

Big Charlotte Update!!

Hello everyone. Sorry for the short posts, but the hospital does not have internet access, and I had to update via text message. I'm glad everything posted okay.

Here are the stats of Charlotte Elizabeth Longtin

Born: Friday, January 23, 2009 10:03PM
Weight: 7lbs 4oz
Length: 20in.
Awesomness: Total.

Amy had a tough delivery. She was in labor for about 14 hours and was pushing for 3 HOURS STRAIGHT! After 3 hours, they decided to do a vacuum birth and then we had our little girl! Charlotte had a tense few minutes at the start due to some meconium (fetus/newborn poo) in the amniotic fluid. She had to be taken right away to clear her airways to be sure they got all of it cleaned out very good. All seems to be well and we will keep everyone posted! I have uploaded pictures of Charlotte, Amy, Nikki, and Helen. There are no pictures of me with Charlotte yet, because my mother took pictures with her camera and I haven't gotten them yet.

Amy and Charlotte

Grandma Longtin and Charlotte

Grandma Traugh and Charlotte


  1. Congratulations, Jason and Amy! Look at those big, beautiful eyes in the picture with Grandma Traugh! So happy for you both! Best job you'll ever have. xoxo

    "M" Hose :-)

  2. Aww - how precious! She's beautiful! CONGRATS

  3. Mr. Longtin,

    i'm at work right now, not allowed to be on the computer but i'm doing it anyway. i'm so close to tears; she's absolutely PERFECT. i'm not just saying that out of bias either, she's perfect. congratulations!!

    love you all!!


  4. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Longtin!!! She is absolutely beautiful!!!!

  5. Jay and Amy,
    She is beautiful! Jay seems funny to see you with a baby. Best wishes with your new bundle of Joy.
