Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Well, it's only been since April! Here are some pictures from Halloween!

Princess Leia with Daddy!

With Mommy!

Walking through Publix!

So cute! She enjoyed her first Halloween.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It's been a while since we've had an update. Sorry about that.

Charlotte is doing great! She's smiling all the time and a big laugh is near, we think. She's sleeping well, not always through the night, but well. Amy went back to work on Wednesday, and it was really hard on her. But, we're now on Spring Break and enjoying our time with Charlotte!

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!!

Wearing her little black dress (Thanks Kayla!)

Flying with daddy!

Bundled up for a chilly April day in Florida.

Her new bumbo seat!

Not too happy :)

Snuggling with Mommy in her sling.
An early start!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Through the night!

Charlotte slept from 8PM-5AM last night. We think that qualifies as THROUGH THE NIGHT! She is doing just great! She's eating like crazy and growing so fast. She's smiling all the time and holding her head up like a champ!

Mommy and daddy are sharing their bouts with exhaustion, but we're managing.

Here's some great pictures of our little bit!

Here are a few shots of the nursery.

Smiley Face!

After bathtime!

With Grandma.

Kisses from Daddy!

Posing with Mommy!


Just a big, big smile!!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Here are some pictures of little Charlotte smiling it up!! ENJOY!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

And more pics!

The nursery.

Another angle of the nursery..still a work in progress. Not much on the walls yet.

So cute!!!!!!!

Looking at her noisemaker thingy.

Lift up that head!!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More pictures!

Here are a few more pictures from the last few days. She's growing up so fast!!

With Uncle Elias....she cried later...he's a scary German.

Seeing the world from daddy's height!


I am going to try to upload a video over the weekend!!